Maximize user experience

By simplifying the way the user finds the app, you make the transition as easy as possible for all employees. Many people find it complicated and difficult to find and open a browser, start the right web page, and log in. If you are used to traditional desktop applications, you quickly recognize them because the shortcut is among all common programs.

Cloud label app in a mac environment is as simple as everything else in your mac

Well, almost like a desktop app. You use the browser’s built-in support to display a web app in its own window and make it feel like a “real” app. Either way, this can help users always have access to label prints just like any other program. It is included in the start menu and you can attach it as a regular shortcut to the dock on the Mac.

Cloud label in Windows becomes like any other app

Not quite like a regular desktop app in Windows either, of course, but it’s still nicer, faster, and easier to find. In the same way, as on the Mac, we use the browser’s built-in support to display a web app in its own window and make it feel like a “real” app. The user will always have access to label prints just like any other program. It is included in the start menu and you can attach it as a regular shortcut to the start menu in Windows.

How to – Windows

  • Open Chrome web browser

  • Login to your account

  • Go to the three dots in your top right corner

  • Select More tools | Create shortcut

  • Make sure you check “open as window”

  • Give it a nice name like Cloud label

How to – Mac

  • Open Chrome web browser

  • Login to your account

  • Go to the three dots in your top right corner

  • Select More tools | Create shortcut

  • Make sure you check “open as window”

  • Give it a nice name like Cloud label

The technology is called PWA and stands for Progressive Web App

So what is a PWA?

Found here:
Browse the web page and learn more.

“At their heart, Progressive Web Apps are just web applications. Using progressive enhancement, new capabilities are enabled in modern browsers. Using service workers and a web app manifest, your web application becomes reliable and installable. If the new capabilities aren’t available, users still get the core experience.”

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